The Sewing Room

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Student Spotlight - Eddie D.

Eddie has been sewing with us now for about 1 year.  They are an ambitious and determined student who is not afraid of a challenge.  As you can see from the photos of Eddie's work, below, each project is carefully and creatively curated. 

The pink outfit is a specific character costume and one of their first projects. Since then, they’ve made a vest, a bag and a long skirt (paired with a Metallica t-shirt - so cool!) along with a special project they started in camp.

Eddie comes to the sewing table with such passion and enthusiasm, one can't help but get swept up in a desire to help them succeed. 

In our recent Fashion Design Challenge camp, Eddie started this lined blazer. Very ambitious for a 12 year old, and it’s pretty much finished with the exception of the lining, which will be a super rock-n-roll guitar print on a turquoise ground.

Here is a little bit more about Eddie in their own words:

How old are you and what grade are you in?
I'm 12, in the 7th Grade

When did you first become interested in sewing?
When I watched the Cruella DeVille movie. 

What is your favorite part about the project making process (design, fabric, pattern etc.)?
When I finish something and I get to wear it. 

What are your #sewinggoals and/or ambitions?
I want to make a project using my baby teeth as lace. In the future I’d like to open my own shop one day that sells custom made casket outfits. 

Do you think you will pursue a career in fashion or is this just a hobby?
I would like to have a career making funeral wear.